A Quiz on Things You Will Find in the Bathroom

As Sherlock Holmes said it, we see, but how much do we really observe? All that time spent in the bathroom - here’s a test of how much have you observed and a bit of how much you know. So the next time you are there, you think of this!

  1. What was initially developed as a surgical antiseptic, and was based on the work of English doctor Joseph Lister, 1st Baron Lister?

  2. The most common usage of which item, nicknamed 'quality-tips' or ‘Q-tips’ in some countries, is strongly discouraged by doctors who claim they pose significant medical risks?

  3. Which 'peaceful' personal care brand would you associate with the 'Campaign for Real Beauty', an attempt to "educate and inspire girls on a wider definition of beauty"?

  4. Manufacturers of which 'pair' of products often choose to label one in a direction opposite to the other, in order to make usage more easy without having to read the labels?

  5. What is common to all these people when it comes to bathrooms: King George II, Elvis, Lenny Bruce

  6. According to some surveys, 60%-70% of American prefer 'over', while the rest prefer 'under'. What contentious debate is this, that most Indians never have to worry about?

  7. Which legendary polymath would you associate with the anecdote of him conceiving a method of calculating the volume of irregular objects, while immersing himself in a bathtub?

  8. This manhole cover from Westminster Abbey is a minor tourist attraction for carrying the name of which famous plumber, popular as the inventor of the flush toilet?

  9. In the aftermath of the iconic murder scene in Psycho, what bathroom item does Norman use to wrap Marion's body before placing it in the trunk of her car?

  10. In Islam, this tree is traditionally used to create a chew stick to brush teeth. What tree?

Scroll down for the answers.

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Answers: 1. Listerine, 2. Earbuds, 3. Dove, 4. Shampoo and conditioner, 5. They all died while on the toilet, 6. Toilet paper roll orientation, 7. Archimedes, 8. Crapper/Thomas Crapper/T. Crapper, 9. Shower curtain, 10. Miswak

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